The Columbia Farmers Market sign stands in a field Saturday at Columbia's Agriculture Park to show people into the MU Health Care Pavilion. Thanks to the vinyl walls of the pavilion, the market will stay open year-round. Photo by Tara Prindle.
Live music, fresh produce, baked goods, soaps and sweets — all of these wonderful things can be found at the Columbia Farmers Market.
On Saturday, the Columbia Farmers Market had its second winter season sale at its new location under the MU Health Care Pavilion. This new location allows the market to stay open year-round. Farmers can sell their produce and goods no matter the weather, thanks to vinyl walls.
In the past, the market was located at Parkade Center. It took about 600 donors to make the project of the new location possible, and it hosted its first farmers market in July, according to previous Missourian reporting.
The pavilion is located at Columbia’s Agriculture Park. There’s a playground outside and enough space for the vendors to spread out in their booths.
Jeannie Nobis, owner of C & J Baked Goods, said she liked the new setup.
“The flow of people is better,” Nobis said. “The crowds are better. The other place was congested, and I could only set up three tables.”
Nobis has been a vendor at the farmers market since 2006 and used to sell at four different markets around Missouri.
“I love it here,” she said. “This is the only market I do now. This is the best market, and it’s where I’m coming.”
Newer vendors liked the pavilion location, too.
John Uhlig, owner of ElderBlossom View, started selling his homegrown and homemade elderberry products at the market in June. He particularly likes the feel of the new location.
“It still feels like a summer market,” Uhlig said. “This place is more open, light and airy. I also like the fact that you get closer parking, too. This building and everything here is kind of custom for doing just exactly what we’re trying to do.”
Uhlig also appreciates how the farmers market has helped his business get more contacts and grow.
“The farmers market right now is our business,” he said. “The promotion has been great. It’s helped us get so many new contacts and give out cards to people.”
Ellice Estrada spent the morning shopping at the farmers market.
“The first thing I noticed is this place is way better,” Estrada said. “I love how big it is, and it feels so much more vibrant. It feels like a lot more people are willing to participate because they want to be part of the action.”
The Columbia Farmers Market will be open 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays through March. The market is closed Nov. 30 for Thanksgiving and Dec. 28 for Christmas. The pavilion, however, will host a special Thanksgiving Market from 3 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 26.
“I’ve been to the farmers market three or four times before,” Estrada said, “but now I’ll definitely be coming more, that’s for sure.”